whatever arena or stadium is close is usually chosen if an agreement on price and availability can be reached ( reserved well in advance). This means that a sports arena normally used for 14,000 or more may be rented to jws. They will use the the arena to host any number of conventions often renting the building for several weekends in a row per area. One weekend will have many the next less . There are many many conventions in each state weekend after weekend.
average joe
JoinedPosts by average joe
Albany RC...Trans Union Article. Lots of empty seats!
by ToesUp intimes union jehovahs witnesses assembly.
did anyone attend the albany assembly?
the photos in this article shows many empty seats!.
All downloads no longer hosted on jw.org
by neat blue dog inwhether it's videos on jw broadcasting or pdfs on jw.org, all downloads used to be archived in-house at "assets.jw.org/" followed by the items name/code.
now clicking a download link retrieves the items from akamai.net, a web services company..
average joe
yeah i agree konceptual99 its not a big deal or a scandel to use outside lawyers its just when i read jw's are outsourcing everything then it catches my attention. I mean they have new top of the line printers that require only a few people to manage.I doubt they would outsource the printing work, I just dont think they would leave that in someone elses hands.
Outsourcing web hosting seems to be a wise decision.
I have not heard they are outsourcing construction though either.
All downloads no longer hosted on jw.org
by neat blue dog inwhether it's videos on jw broadcasting or pdfs on jw.org, all downloads used to be archived in-house at "assets.jw.org/" followed by the items name/code.
now clicking a download link retrieves the items from akamai.net, a web services company..
average joe
Can anyone show me something official please where the watchtower is outsourcing their printing and legal needs? I would like to see this thank you.
JW Video Armageddon to occur before 2040
by Listener insorry i thought it was a new morning worship video but it is 6 months old and has already been discussed on here.. it is presented by gb helper k flodin and about this generation.
the delusion and hypocrisy runs deep.. he reminds the cult members not to speculate because they aren't supposed to know the day or the hour.
then he proceeds to speculate that armageddon will occur before 2040.. https://tv.jw.org/#en/video/vodprogramsevents/pub-jwbmw_201511_3_video.
average joe
does anyone know at what point in the video he speculates about the 2040 date? I dont want to watch the whole thing?
¡New! Video Elder's School 2015: "How to conduct the Watchtower Study"
by hildebrando inhttp://hildeydesa.blogspot.cl/2015/11/escuela-de-ancianos-bosquejo-y-video-de.html
average joe
i would love an english version. -
Looking for a couple pdfs please
by average joe indoes anyone have ..... branch organization manual 2015. how to conduct the watchtower study video and guide in english?
it is in spanish here.
http://hildeydesa.blogspot.com/2015/11/escuela-de-ancianos-bosquejo-y-video-de.html yes i still want to see it.. are there any new manuals ,guides,secret books within the last year or so you guys can share?.
average joe
Does anyone have ....
Branch organization manual 2015
How to conduct the watchtower study video and guide in english? It is in spanish here
http://hildeydesa.blogspot.com/2015/11/escuela-de-ancianos-bosquejo-y-video-de.html yes i still want to see it.
Are there any new manuals ,guides,secret books within the last year or so you guys can share?
JW Chef Refuses to Cook Black Pudding
by cofty insainsbury's has been forced to apologise after its jehovah's witness chef refused to serve a customer black pudding with his full english breakfast.alan mackay was stunned when he was told he could not enjoy the staple, made up of animal fat, blood and oatmeal, with his meal at the branch in arnold, nottingham.after receiving his incomplete dish the former police officer was told the black pudding would not be served because it was against the religious beliefs of the chef to do so....
average joe
Did the chef tell the employee to tell the officer he was a jw and refused to make blood pudding? NO ABSOLUTELY NOT. Therefore , The employee that first failed to understand simple directions and then took a subordinate attitude and brought bad press to this food chain is at fault not the chef.
Once again I will say that I have worked in many places just like many of you here and you all know ......you all know ... that many of the places you worked at were not honest about what really happened. I can tell you for sure my current manager lies all the time about her screw ups to customers and staff. I can tell you also at my last job my bosses would lie all the time to customers about why we didn't show up to do the installation as scheduled . The tech called out sick or his truck broke down or family emergency etc etc when really it was their bad scheduling.
There is no evidence the chef mistreated the staff. The article does not say anything about the chef being fired but does say the employers defend the chef and his actions.
JW Chef Refuses to Cook Black Pudding
by cofty insainsbury's has been forced to apologise after its jehovah's witness chef refused to serve a customer black pudding with his full english breakfast.alan mackay was stunned when he was told he could not enjoy the staple, made up of animal fat, blood and oatmeal, with his meal at the branch in arnold, nottingham.after receiving his incomplete dish the former police officer was told the black pudding would not be served because it was against the religious beliefs of the chef to do so....
average joe
Here is what everyone seems to be not understanding
"...A spokeswoman said a member of staff had misunderstood that the chef had asked them to prepare the black pudding, not that black pudding could not be served."
The above quote explains the fault was not with the chef but with the employee not following directions.
Which makes this not an article about a jw chef not wanting to do their jobs but about the difficulty in finding staff who can follow directions and know what not to say to customers. In any kitchen the head chefs do not tolerate people who can not follow their directions.
Why in the world would the employee tell the officer that the chef was a jw and thats the reason for no blood pudding? In any restaurant or business I have ever worked at you dont reveal the truth to the customer. You dont tell them I was too lazy to do my job properly or I screwed up or I forgot or was to be chatting to do my job etc thats why its taking longer or you cant have what you came here for. No matter what anyone says time and time again I have watched company's tell customers anything but what really happened to avoid them getting angry and to keep them calm. Why an employee went to the officer and actually said the chef is a jw and refuses to serve you blood pudding blows my mind especially when we know the blood pudding is regularly served with the jw working as a chef . Why would it become an issue all of the sudden. This calls into question at least in my mind his intentions revealing information no normal person would tell a customer. I believe this is an attempt to make the jws look bad more then this is about staff confusion. I prefer honesty if jw does something wrong let them catch hell for it but if some hateful punk does something dishonest to make someone else look bad I am gonna give them hell for it too.
Most of us here know jws and we all know they will take a job if they can do it without violating their religious principles. If the company requires that they violate those principles they will promptly give notice and go work somewhere else .
In most cases, The company will have someone else deal with blood or holiday, or political issues and the jw continues to work there with no problems. My current boss for example loves hiring Jws because she feels they work hard and do not steal. She is perfectly fine with them not doing anything political and the bonus is they can work holidays since they do not celebrate.
Also, The world is full of non religious nuttery. People are hateful, rude, selfish, greedy, violent, prideful, arrogant, heartless, liars, thieves, addicts, to mention a few traits of non religious people. It should therefore not surprise anyone that religious people who are the same as non religious people have the same bad traits . While non religious people regulary criticize religious people for their short comings and failures to live up to the bible despite trying. We learn that all men are hypocrites, religious people for not practicing what they preach and non religious people for doing the same things they criticize religion for doing.
JW Chef Refuses to Cook Black Pudding
by cofty insainsbury's has been forced to apologise after its jehovah's witness chef refused to serve a customer black pudding with his full english breakfast.alan mackay was stunned when he was told he could not enjoy the staple, made up of animal fat, blood and oatmeal, with his meal at the branch in arnold, nottingham.after receiving his incomplete dish the former police officer was told the black pudding would not be served because it was against the religious beliefs of the chef to do so....
average joe
Also, he got his meal free, his name in the media and you can be sure hes eaten plenty of blood pudding and will eat plenty of pudding in his future. phew! I am so glad that officers going to survive this terrible ordeal. hahahahah -
JW Chef Refuses to Cook Black Pudding
by cofty insainsbury's has been forced to apologise after its jehovah's witness chef refused to serve a customer black pudding with his full english breakfast.alan mackay was stunned when he was told he could not enjoy the staple, made up of animal fat, blood and oatmeal, with his meal at the branch in arnold, nottingham.after receiving his incomplete dish the former police officer was told the black pudding would not be served because it was against the religious beliefs of the chef to do so....
average joe
#1 There is not mention of termination of the employee which is often the case when they have done something wrong and it makes it to the media.
#2 The restaurant defended the chef by saying there was a mixup in the kitchen in which blood pudding which was regularly served was supposed to be made and served by someone else.
#3 The chef is apparently valued and appreciated as they still have their job. Perhaps what the chef brings to the business is more important then whether or not they actually make the blood pudding themselves or have someone else do it like many other chefs who assign tasks to their staff. Perhaps, This is one of many company's who value employees that are religious and come with benefits that non religious people do not have or perhaps the chefs religion isnt a problem for the business. Surely, the issue of the blood pudding being prepared by the jw was addressed at their hire date or shortly thereafter and it was approved for others to make it and the staff was fully aware of this arrangement as blood pudding was served regularly. The only exception would be for a new hire who had not yet had time to learn the acceptable arrangement. This brings more questions though.
#4 I want to know why if the chef asked the employee to make the blood pudding why he told the officer the chef wouldn't make it? Was the employee lazy? Was it a deliberate attempt to make jws look bad? How do you confuse the chef telling you to make the pudding with telling you we refuse to make that pudding which is made regularly? I admit however, unlikely it is possible but highly suspect!#5 How does an officer not getting his pudding one time make the news? Did he call the news because he didnt get his pudding???? Did the employee call the news to make the jw look bad?? Did someone else who wasnt even involved call the news because they were so distraught the officer didnt get his pudding?? Or they hated jws so much they called the news about pudding? How the hell is this even news ?? Basically, the news story is really nothing more then the officer is cheezed off because he didnt get his pudding..... due to staff confusion... This isnt news at all.. I couldnt tell you how many times I went to a place that didnt have what i came there for or screwed up my order. I ordered something else and didnt cry about it to the news like a little whiny baby especially over pudding!!! freakin pudding hahahaha Be a man about it.. move on keep smiling officer. I see pudding in your future. one day without pudding is not going to kill you.
#6 Somehow an article which said nothing more then an officer was not served pudding due to staff confusion and hes cheezed off about it turned into this long debate about religion in the workplace etc etc etc ... the article really didnt say much at all and i find it fascinating how its considered news and how people are having lengthy discussions which have really littleif anything to do with staff confusion that this article is about.